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Fernando Braga Nunes Filho

fbraga [at]

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With twenty-nine years of career in the financial sector and a solid experience on restructuring bearing liabilities, as well as developing financial structures under measure, making renegotiations, securitizations and portfolio managements for physical and juristic persons. Having worked in banks and brokerage firms, in the sectors of credit and investments analysis, underwriting and interbank negotiations. Fernando Braga has been working as a financial advisory since 1996.

Has actively participated on fund-raising and funding applications operations, M&A, financial restructuring and judicial recovery of companies in the most different sectors, such as pharmaceutical and metallurgical, superior education, technology, agriculture, sugarcane and civil construction.

Specialized in economical and financial viability analysis; elaboration and implementation of budgeting systems and cash flow; identification of funding alternatives; capital’s structure evaluation; selection and coordination of work groups; elaboration of presentations intended to Private Equity and Venture Capital funds.

Holds a degree in Management from the Faculty of Economy, Management and Accounting Sciences of the Universidade Mackenzie, did his postgraduate studies at FGV and an MBA in Sustainability and Management from Fundação Dom Cabral.

Founding partner of the TMA (Turnaround Management Association), holds lectures about financial administrations themes, and participates in the creation of courses and events. Fernando Braga has held the function of TMA’s CFO for two consecutive terms.